VTU: Akash Institute of Engineering and Technology
MBA - B097 | MCA - C550


Akash Institutions Infrastructure


The College is endowed with excellent infrastructure facilities like renovated hostels, medical support systems, central library, modern gymnasium, co-operative Society, huge parking space etc.

Computer science Engineering :-

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science at Akash Engineering College !

About the Department:

Our Computer Science department is a hub of innovation, cutting-edge research, and academic excellence. We take immense pride in offering a comprehensive curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with practical skills to prepare our students for the dynamic world of technology.

Experienced Faculty:

Our faculty members are experts in their respective fields, comprising seasoned educators and industry professionals. They bring a wealth of knowledge and industry insights to the classroom, ensuring our students receive top-notch education and mentorship.

State-of-the-Art Laboratories:

To provide hands-on learning experiences, we have well-equipped laboratories with the latest software and hardware infrastructure. Students get the opportunity to work on real-world projects, gaining practical exposure to emerging technologies.

Research and Innovation:

At Akash Engineering College, we encourage a culture of research and innovation within our Computer Science department. We actively support students and faculty in pursuing research projects and publishing their findings in renowned journals and conferences.

Industry Partnerships:

We have established strong ties with leading companies and tech giants, enabling our students to intern and collaborate on projects with industry professionals. These partnerships also open doors for excellent placement opportunities for our graduates.

Curriculum and Specializations:

Our curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of computer science fundamentals, including programming, data structures, algorithms, and software development. Additionally, students have the option to specialize in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Data Science, and more.

Student Activities and Clubs:

We encourage students to participate in various extracurricular activities and clubs related to computer science. These activities not only foster teamwork and leadership skills but also create a platform for students to showcase their talents and ideas.

Internships and Placements:

Our dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with reputed companies for internships and full-time placements. We have an impressive track record of our students securing rewarding job offers in top-tier companies.

Join us at the Department of Computer Science at Akash Engineering College to unlock a world of opportunities and be a part of the ever-evolving technological landscape. Together, let's shape the future of technology!

Electrical and communication Engineering :-

Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering at Akash Engineering College!

About the Department:

Our department is dedicated to providing a dynamic and innovative learning environment for students interested in the fields of Electrical Engineering and Communication Engineering. We aim to empower our students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in this rapidly evolving and technology-driven world.

Experienced Faculty:

The faculty members in our department are highly qualified, experienced, and passionate about teaching and research. They bring a wealth of expertise to the classroom, guiding students in their academic pursuits and encouraging them to explore new frontiers in engineering.

Cutting-Edge Laboratories:

To ensure hands-on learning, we have state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with advanced equipment and software. These labs serve as a platform for students to conduct experiments, work on projects, and gain practical experience in electrical and communication engineering concepts.

Research and Innovation:

We foster a culture of research and innovation within our department. Students and faculty are encouraged to collaborate on research projects, contributing to advancements in electrical and communication engineering. We actively support and facilitate the publication of research findings in reputable journals and conferences.

Curriculum and Specializations:

Our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide range of topics in electrical engineering, communication engineering, and related areas. Students have the opportunity to specialize in fields such as Power Systems, Signal Processing, Wireless Communication, Embedded Systems, and more, tailoring their education to align with their interests and career aspirations.

Industrial Exposure:

We recognize the importance of practical exposure to the industry. Through internships, industrial visits, and guest lectures from industry experts, our students gain valuable insights into the real-world applications of electrical and communication engineering.

Student Activities and Associations:

Beyond academics, we encourage students to participate in various extracurricular activities and join student associations related to electrical and communication engineering. These activities foster teamwork, leadership skills, and personal growth while creating a vibrant and engaging college life.

Internships and Placements:

Our dedicated placement cell works closely with the industry to provide excellent internship opportunities and facilitate placements for our students. We have a strong track record of our graduates securing coveted positions in top-notch companies.

Join us at the Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering at Akash Engineering College to embark on an exciting journey of learning, discovery, and innovation. Together, let's create a brighter and more connected future through engineering excellence!

Mechanical engineering

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Akash Engineering College!

About the Department:

Our department is committed to nurturing aspiring engineers with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. With a strong focus on theoretical knowledge and practical application, we aim to shape well-rounded individuals equipped to tackle real-world engineering challenges.

Experienced Faculty:

Our faculty members are experts in their respective domains, bringing a wealth of industry experience and academic knowledge to the classroom. They are dedicated to providing students with the best learning experience and mentoring them to become competent professionals in the field of mechanical engineering.

State-of-the-Art Laboratories:

To complement theoretical learning, we have modern and well-equipped laboratories that provide hands-on experience to our students. From advanced simulation software to precision machinery, our labs are designed to enhance students' practical skills and understanding of various mechanical engineering concepts.

Research and Innovation:

We foster a culture of research and innovation, encouraging students and faculty to explore cutting-edge technologies and contribute to the advancement of mechanical engineering. Research projects are regularly undertaken, and students have the opportunity to publish their findings in esteemed journals and conferences.

Curriculum and Specializations:

Our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide range of subjects in mechanical engineering, including thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, manufacturing processes, and more. Students can also choose from specialized areas such as Robotics, Automotive Engineering, Energy Systems, and Mechatronics, tailoring their education to suit their interests and career goals.

Industrial Exposure:

We believe that practical exposure to industry is vital for a well-rounded engineering education. To achieve this, we organize industrial visits, internships, and guest lectures by industry experts, providing our students with valuable insights and networking opportunities.

Student Activities and Clubs:

Beyond academics, we encourage students to participate in various extracurricular activities and join mechanical engineering clubs. These activities help develop teamwork, leadership skills, and provide a platform for students to showcase their creativity and technical prowess.

Internships and Placements:

Our dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with renowned companies for internships and full-time placements. We have a strong track record of our graduates securing lucrative job opportunities in top industries.

Join us at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Akash Engineering College to embark on a journey of learning, innovation, and professional growth. Together, let's build a future powered by mechanical excellence!

Information science and Engineering :-

Welcome to the Department of Information Science and Engineering at Akash Engineering College! About the Department:

Our department is committed to nurturing future-ready engineers in the field of Information Science and Engineering. We strive to provide a holistic education that combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, empowering our students to excel in the rapidly evolving world of technology.

Experienced Faculty:

Our faculty members are experts in Information Science and Engineering, dedicated to imparting quality education and fostering a passion for innovation among our students. They bring a wealth of industry experience and academic knowledge, ensuring that our students stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

State-of-the-Art Laboratories:

To facilitate practical learning, we have advanced laboratories equipped with the latest software and hardware tools. These labs provide students with hands-on experience, allowing them to work on real-world projects and develop the skills required to tackle complex IT challenges.

Research and Innovation:

Innovation is at the heart of our department. We encourage students and faculty to engage in research projects, exploring emerging technologies and finding solutions to current industry problems. Our research-driven approach prepares students for successful careers in various domains of Information Science and Engineering.

Curriculum and Specializations:

Our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including programming, data structures, algorithms, database systems, software engineering, and more. Students also have the option to specialize in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, and Web Technologies, tailoring their education to match their interests and career goals.

Industry Partnerships:

We have established strong ties with leading IT companies and startups, providing our students with opportunities for internships, industry projects, and exposure to real-world challenges. These partnerships also pave the way for excellent placement opportunities for our graduates.

Student Activities and Clubs:

We encourage students to participate in various extracurricular activities and join Information Science and Engineering clubs. These activities foster teamwork, leadership skills, and provide a platform for students to showcase their technical expertise and creativity.

Internships and Placements:

Our dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with reputable companies and organizations for internships and full-time placements. We have a strong track record of our graduates securing rewarding job offers in top IT firms.

Join us at the Department of Information Science and Engineering at Akash Engineering College to embark on a transformative journey of learning, innovation, and growth in the world of technology. Together, let's shape a brighter future through Information Science and Engineering excellence!

Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning

Welcome to the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Akash Engineering College ! About the Department:

Our department is at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, exploring the realms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). We are dedicated to preparing students for the future, where AI and ML are revolutionizing industries and shaping the world around us.

Experienced Faculty:

Our faculty members are experts in the field of AI and ML, with extensive experience in both academia and industry. They are passionate about guiding students through the complexities of AI and ML, fostering a deep understanding of these transformative technologies.

State-of-the-Art Laboratories:

To stay on top of the latest developments, we have advanced AI and ML laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software resources. Our labs provide students with hands-on experience, allowing them to experiment with data, algorithms, and AI/ML models.

Research and Innovation:

Innovation is at the core of our department. We encourage students and faculty to actively engage in research projects, exploring AI/ML applications across various domains such as healthcare, finance, robotics, natural language processing, and more. Our research-driven approach prepares students to be pioneers in the AI/ML landscape.

Curriculum and Specializations:

Our comprehensive curriculum covers fundamental concepts in AI and ML, including data analysis, deep learning, neural networks, and reinforcement learning. Students can also specialize in areas such as Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, and AI for Business, enabling them to focus on their specific interests and career aspirations.

Industry Collaborations:

We have established strong collaborations with leading AI and ML companies and startups. These partnerships provide our students with exposure to real-world AI/ML projects, internships, and industry mentorship, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.

Student Activities and Hackathons:

We encourage students to participate in AI and ML hackathons, competitions, and coding challenges. These activities provide opportunities to showcase their skills, collaborate with peers, and receive recognition for their achievements.

Internships and Placements:

Our dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with reputable companies and organizations in the AI/ML domain. Our graduates have an impressive track record of securing placements in top-tier AI/ML firms.

Join us at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Akash Engineering College to embark on an exciting journey of discovery, innovation, and limitless possibilities. Together, let's shape the future of AI and ML and make a positive impact on the world!

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Welcome to the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science at Akash Engineering College ! About the Department:

Our department is at the forefront of the latest technological advancements, exploring the exciting fields of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We are dedicated to equipping our students with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in the data-driven world of the future.

Experienced Faculty:

Our faculty members are experts in AI and Data Science, possessing a deep understanding of the subject and industry experience. They are passionate educators who are committed to nurturing the next generation of data-driven innovators.

State-of-the-Art Laboratories:

To provide hands-on learning experiences, we have well-equipped AI and Data Science laboratories with cutting-edge software and hardware resources. These labs offer students the opportunity to work on real-world data sets, implement algorithms, and gain practical insights into AI and Data Science applications.

Research and Innovation:

We foster a culture of research and innovation within our department. Our students and faculty actively engage in projects that explore AI and Data Science applications across various domains, such as healthcare, finance, natural language processing, and more.

Curriculum and Specializations:

Our comprehensive curriculum covers fundamental principles in AI and Data Science, including machine learning, data analysis, deep learning, and statistical modeling. Students also have the option to specialize in areas such as Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Big Data Analytics, and Predictive Modeling, enabling them to tailor their education to match their interests and career goals.

Industry Collaborations:

We believe in bridging the gap between academia and industry. Through partnerships with leading AI and Data Science companies, our students get exposure to real-world projects, internships, and industry mentorship, enhancing their employability and preparing them for successful careers.

Student Activities and Hackathons:

We encourage students to participate in AI and Data Science hackathons, competitions, and workshops. These activities provide opportunities for hands-on learning, collaboration, and networking with industry experts.

Internships and Placements:

Our dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with reputable companies and organizations in the AI and Data Science domain. Our graduates have a strong track record of securing placements in top-tier AI and Data Science firms.

Join us at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Akash Engineering College to embark on an exciting journey of exploration, innovation, and data-driven excellence. Together, let's shape the future of AI and Data Science and make a positive impact on society!

Physical Education & Sports

Welcome to the Department of Physical Education at Akash Engineering College ! About the Department:

Our department is dedicated to promoting physical fitness, sportsmanship, and overall well-being among our students. We believe that a healthy body is as important as a healthy mind and strive to create a balanced and active campus life.

Experienced Faculty:

Our physical education faculty members are passionate about fitness and sports. They are experienced coaches and trainers who are committed to guiding students in achieving their fitness goals and developing their athletic skills.

Sports Facilities:

At Engineering College Name, we have state-of-the-art sports facilities to cater to various interests and abilities. Our campus boasts well-maintained grounds and courts for cricket, football, basketball, tennis, and more, providing students with ample opportunities to participate in their favorite sports.

Fitness Center:

For students who prefer indoor workouts, our well-equipped fitness center offers a range of exercise equipment and fitness classes to support their fitness journey.

Sports Events and Competitions:

We organize various sports events and competitions throughout the year, encouraging students to showcase their talents, compete, and foster a spirit of healthy competition. Intercollegiate sports meets are also hosted to provide our students with opportunities to excel at a higher level.

Intramural Sports:

Intramural sports are an integral part of our department's activities. We organize friendly matches and tournaments within the college, allowing students from different disciplines to come together, form teams, and bond over their shared love for sports.

Fitness and Wellness Programs:

We believe in promoting overall well-being and offer fitness and wellness programs to help students maintain a healthy lifestyle. These programs include yoga classes, mindfulness workshops, and nutrition counseling.

Interdisciplinary Engagement:

Physical education is not just about sports; it also fosters discipline, teamwork, and leadership qualities. Our department collaborates with other departments to organize sports-related seminars, workshops, and activities, encouraging interdisciplinary engagement.

Student Clubs and Organizations:

We encourage students to actively participate in sports clubs and organizations, where they can engage in sports-related activities, organize events, and contribute to the promotion of physical fitness on campus.

Sports Scholarships and Awards:

To recognize and encourage exceptional athletes, we offer sports scholarships and awards to students who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in sports.

Join us at the Department of Physical Education at Akash Engineering College to lead an active and healthy college life. Together, let's embrace the spirit of sportsmanship and build a strong and vibrant campus community!

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